Мишка NNM (Optical, 5btn, PS/2, Black/Silver, Scrolling Wheel) Retail, 1-pkDemands for faster time-to-market and product quality have increased throughout the years, and NNM has managed to successfully keep up with these demands by adhering to the company’s core philosophy of Quality and Quick. This philosophy allows NNM to provide its customers with flexible, innovative and valuable solutions to meet their requirements.
Производител | NNM |
Интерфейс | PS/2 |
Технология на сензора | Оптичен |
Начин на свързване | Кабел |
Чувствителност | 1500 dpi |
Бутони | 5 |
Цвят | Черен/Сребрист |
Гаранция | 2 месеца |